Renovating can be an exciting and rewarding project, but it can also turn your home upside down, at least temporarily. The steady stream of contractors and construction workers coming and going and the dust and noise can create chaos. Construction work in your home can present some risk for you and your family, especially during the winter. The following precautions can help you maintain your sanity while keeping your home safe and your family comfortable during the renovation.
1. Hire Trusted Contractors and Make a Detailed Plan
Ask friends and family for recommendations and check out referrals before you agree to hire them. Look at online reviews and their website. Verify that the company has proper licensing and insurance, including personal liability and property damage coverage.
Once you hire a firm and get started, the timeline and budget for your renovation project could be at risk unless you create a detailed plan. If applicable, take “before” pictures and include a timeline and milestones to measure if the project is on track according to your needs and expectations. Track spending and check in with your contractor periodically to discuss progress. Ensuring you’re both on the same page can keep your project moving smoothly and seamlessly.
2. Protect With Plastic
Renovations can get messy and dusty, so it’s a good idea to protect carpets and flooring in your home with heavy-duty drop cloths during renovation work. The drop cloths protect your floors and carpets against spills and scratches.
Remember to protect the parts of your home that are not being renovated. You can hang plastic sheeting from the ceiling to the floor to close off rooms and create a “wall of protection” to keep dust and debris contained in the work area instead of floating throughout your home. During cold weather, you may also need to use heavier plastic or temporary insulation for extra protection from the elements.
3. Manage Air Quality
Take care of your HVAC system to ensure it can continue doing its job during the renovation. Check filters more frequently and change them so that your system has no trouble taking in air. Do not close or obstruct vents that allow warm or cool air to blow into your home because the trapped air can cause problems and stress your HVAC unit.
If the construction involves glue, paint, and other items that require ventilation, use blowers or fans and open windows or doors. Avoid using your HVAC system, as it could take in chemical fumes and contaminate the unit or spread the fumes throughout the rest of your home.
4. Make a Contingency Plan
During a renovation project, especially if it’s happening during the rainy or snowy season, have a plan in case your home springs a leak in the roof or takes in moisture through leaky windows or doors. A storm could cause power outages, and you will need a contingency plan to keep your home warm, dry, and well-lit. Plan what you will do in severe weather conditions, an extended power outage, or other emergencies.
Maintain Peace of Mind During Your Renovation
Renovating your home can be exciting when everything feels within your control. Experienced, quality contractors will do their best to keep your home safe, but you can also play an active role where possible. Doing what you can to avoid issues will keep the project on track, and you will enjoy your newly renovated home before you know it.
You can give yourself peace of mind by hiring experienced, knowledgeable contractors for your next home renovation project. Contact McEntee Renovations today to schedule a remodeling visit and see how we can turn your Bethlehem, PA house into your dream home.